Discover Your Own Prophetic Story
in Legends of the Wind

Discover Your Own Prophetic Story
in Legends of the Wind

Discover Your Own Prophetic Story
in Legends of the Wind

We know God loves speaking through stories — from the countless ways he pierces our hearts through Biblical tales, to the parables Jesus used to reveal His Kingdom. He’s probably even spoken through films or novels. But what if he had a story just for you? Something that could speak to your life and your situation right now. Not just a prophetic word, But YOUR story how Heaven sees it.

What story are you in?

Do you want to receive a story from Heaven and find out what tale you’re in?

It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day and forget that we are living out an adventure that God has planned for us before the foundations of the world.

Sometimes we forget that we are each in the middle of a mythic journey. What can we do to know about what story we’ve fallen into?

Therefore, imagine a Library in Heaven that contains books with stories written about you and me. These stories could be in any genre, from fantasy, mystery, action-adventure, or romance.

What story are you in? 

I was so excited to receive Jurri’s story about me as a birthday gift last year. It was a delightful and fun encouragement then, and as I read it now, a year later, I am amazed again at how it still applies to my life and encourages me on my life journey. It contained insights that really affirm who I am and gives me the courage to keep pursuing my dreams.

His stories are amazing!

What an enduring treasure for anyone who has the opportunity to have one written for them. You won’t want to miss the secrets revealed in yours!

– Phoebe

Where can you go to receive creative revelation?

What do you do if you feel lost in life, not knowing your identity and destiny? If you are struggling, you might not know where to go.

Access the Library of Heaven

Here at Legends of the Wind, we can provide you with a commissioned story from Heaven that will inspire you, move you, and give you a revelation of your identity and destiny. You will have a personalized encounter when experiencing your story. Creative author Jurri Schenck writes and presents these stories in the Legends of the Wind podcast.

What is the difference between a prophetic word and a story from Heaven?

A prophetic word is done by someone who ministers in a religious setting, such as a church or conference in the context of ministry. The language in a prophetic word is often direct and spoken in plain language.

A story from Heaven, however, is a narrative that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and contains hidden treasures and meanings in the language. It is also a creative work of art, like a commissioned portrait painting.

Watch Season 4 of Legends of the Wind!

Jurri delivers powerful, creative stories to his guests live for the first time on his show. The impact of these personal “Legends” is profound.

Jurri’s guests are blown away and their hearts touched by experiencing these heavenly encounters. Remember, Jurri writes the stories blind, never interviewing or researching his subjects.

“Choosing the road less traveled by is often filled with moments of desperation. And I found myself desperate for encouragement and fuel as I questioned the path of my dreams and destiny.

The dreams I believed that were placed in my heart were to the right, but I found myself taking a step to the left. And I landed back in my hometown, a literal and metaphorical desert. 

A year or so into that journey, on my birthday, Jurri surprised me with a story–my story, “Rain of Heaven”. And just like it’s title, this story washed over me and refreshed me with vision, hope, and encouragement. 

This story, “Rain of Heaven”, that was tailor made just for me, touched the deepest places of my heart and brought a new level of understanding and wisdom to the journey that I was currently walking out.

There’s something about having a tangible story written about you.  It brings a sense of significance and validation not only to your identity but your journey.  Jurri not only writes an imaginative story full of fascinating characters and settings, but he adds depth to these stories with specific insight woven into the story, tailored made for the individual person the story is inspired by.

“Rain of Heaven” continues to move me. It’s not just a fairytale, it functions as a mirror as well. I can’t help but weep at how every detail of our lives becomes beautifully woven together to tell a unique story. A story that’s worth being written about and shared–Shared, in order to encourage the next person on their unique life journey.

– Patrice



Frequently Asked Questions

What are stories from Heaven?

Stories from Heaven are similar to what Jesus did when telling parables. These prophetic stories are inspired narratives that contain treasures hidden for the person receiving them so that they have a revelation about who they are and the meanings of the story. The stories from Heaven are also creative works of art, similar to a commissioned painting of a portrait. Instead of creating a portrait of someone with paint, Jurri uses visual imagery and the written word in a story.

Is it Biblical?

The Bible is full of storytelling that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The stories in Legends of the Wind are never to be equal to scripture. The Bible is the foundation of all truth; the Legends echo the truth of God. In 2 Samuel 12, God sent the prophet Nathan to confront King David by using a story that helped open David’s eyes to his situation. The Legends of the Wind stories do that same thing and will always strengthen and edify the person receiving them.

The Bible beautifully incorporates parables and storytelling as powerful tools for conveying spiritual truths and moral lessons. Throughout his ministry, Jesus frequently employed parables to impart wisdom to his followers. In Matthew 13:10-17, Jesus reveals the profound nature of parables, explaining how they unveil deeper truths to those who are open-hearted while veiling them from others. Parables serve as accessible windows into complex spiritual concepts, making profound truths understandable through familiar narratives.

Moreover, storytelling is interwoven throughout the Bible, from the accounts of creation and redemption to the stories of God’s interactions with humanity. Through these narratives, the Bible reveals God’s character, His promises, and the experiences of individuals and communities, inviting readers to personally connect with the divine message.

In essence, the Bible emphasizes the significance of parables and storytelling in conveying spiritual wisdom and nurturing a deeper understanding of and faith in God’s teachings.


What does “Become a Legend” mean? What can you expect as a guest on the podcast?

A “Legend” may be considered as someone famous, but here at Legends of the Wind, we must understand the function of a Legend. On maps, there are legends that help us identify where things are and what things mean so that traveling on the map can give us the direction we need to reach our destination. The stories of Legends of the Wind do that very thing. The stories help us know our identity and our place in life and speak to our destiny.

Most of Jurri’s guests he has never met before. Jurri does not interview his guests or research them. He prefers to know as little as possible about the subject. Jurri receives a download of the story and presents it live to the guest for the first time on the show, with the guest’s friends commenting in the chat. The story is a revelation and after Jurri reads it, he engages the guest in a conversation where they discover the meanings and hidden treasures in the story through interpretation. And then, based on the interpretation of the story, they hopefully will learn the application. Also, Jurri sometimes speaks encouraging revelation to the guest in the conversation, going beyond the story. It is a powerful experience for the guest, often moving them to tears or awe.


How does Jurri receive a story from Heaven?

When someone requests a story, they provide their name, age, gender, and ethnicity. Next, late at night, Jurri sits down when he is tired, and, in his imagination, he looks, sees, and hears the title of the story and the first sentence. He also sees the first image. This is what he calls “The First Step.” Sometimes he gets the title and the first sentence a few days before writing. This way he sees if the message still stands out over time and won’t go away. 


When Jurri sits down to write, he types the title and the first sentence, and then it flows. He writes the entire story from beginning to end. Many times, he does not know how the story will end. While writing, Jurri often wonders, “How in the world will this story’s problem be resolved?!” 


Once he finishes writing, he edits the story for grammar, spelling, and clarity. He does not rewrite the story to change things.

Remember, Jurri does not interview or research his story’s subject. He prefers to not know anything about them. If Jurri has a relationship with the person, he will set aside what knows and looks and sees new things about them. Also, guests can request more than one story for themselves if they wish. Some people have received multiple stories from Heaven.

How do I support the vision of Legends of the Wind?

As we lay the foundation of Legends of the Wind, we believe in sowing into your lives by revealing your story from Heaven. We warmly invite you to join us in supporting a meaningful narrative that aligns with the profound teachings of Matthew 10:10. As believers, we understand the importance of recognizing and uplifting those who offer spiritual insight and guidance, acknowledging the invaluable contribution they make in spreading the message of the Kingdom. In Matthew 10:10, Jesus reminds us of the principle of fair compensation for those who labor in ministry, emphasizing the dignity and worth of their work.

In this building season, we want to freely bless others so that they can receive a prophetic story. If you see what we are doing touches your hearts and brings you closer to Jesus, please consider sowing into our mission. You can give to Legends of the Wind with a one-time love gift or become a regular monthly supporter. Either way, you are investing in something new that Heaven releases upon the earth. This is an exciting pioneering time. 

Your generous financial contribution not only Blesses our family, it also aids in sustaining the efforts and time we’ve dedicated to serving you. It also reaffirms our collective commitment to honoring biblical principles. Together, let’s foster a community where the sharing of gifts and talents is valued and supported, creating an environment where all can thrive.

With heartfelt gratitude and blessings,

Jurri and Alisha

Request a prophetic story and Become a Legend now!

Buy Volume 1 of Legends of the Wind!

Read or Listen to some amazing stories from Heaven and discover how these Legends will inspire you and
give you revelation and insight into your Hero’s Journey. This book contains 20 stories.
The audiobook is over 3.5 hours of rich storytelling with music and sound design.


Legends of The Wind

The Legends of the Wind Podcast helps the audience to think mythically about their lives.  How is your life like a story? Who are you in your Hero’s Journey? What revelation do you need to overcome your obstacles and become transformed? Exploring Story helps us answer these questions.

Our host and author Jurri Schenck has a special gift that has enabled him to tap into people’s lives and help them discover their own story. He never interviews anyone before writing and yet the stories have details specific to that person.

What story are you in?

about LOTW

Personalized, revelatory creative writing to discover the treasure inside our hearts. 


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3